I've been running and working out lately so I can get in shape for the fire recruit academy next fall. A show about Orange County Fire Recruits on the Fox Reality Channel shows how physically demanding a recruit academy is. I realized I better start now because on the show, there was a guy that had been working out to prepare for the recruit academy for six years. He was still completely drained after PTs. So far this week I've run 6 miles, walked 3 miles, and done workouts for upper body.
I bought my first axe today! I came home to find the landlord cutting down two large pine trees that were in front of the house in College Station. Once Tyler got home, he mentioned that we should cut some of it up to use for fire wood, but none of us had an axe. Of course, being a fireman and all, I decided that I should be the one to have an axe so we went to Home Depot to buy an axe. I looked at about six different types of axes and decided that the one for me was the one with an awesome name... "The Maul." It is an axe on one end and a sledge hammer on the other end. I figured I can get two things for the price of one... and it's just cool. So tonight, everyone at the Mulebarn has been chopping wood all night. We have a good amount of wood cut so we'll be good for all winter. We also went out to the back part of our three acres and made a firepit for us to burn it in.
I'm headed home this weekend. I'll be at Dallas Fire Station #7 on Friday, once I get back, until 7:00am Saturday morning. After that I will head up to the Dallas Fire Training Center to practice for the Candidate Physical Ability Test (CPAT) and teach the explorers about patient assessment and the engine company. After I'm done with firefighting stuff, I'm gonna go to Kaufman to see Granny. Then the rest of the weekend is free.
Friday, November 6, 2009
Tuesday, November 3, 2009
It's been a while
Sorry, I haven't posted anything on my blog for such a long time. I've been busy with school, AFC, and family so it is hard to find time to blog.
First I have to mention the birth of my new niece, Ava Kate. She's actually two weeks and a day old today. She is precious and I'm really glad I got to be in Abilene when she was born.
Unfortunately, with the new life being brought into this world, another one left. Granddaddy (my dad's dad) passed away last tuesday morning. Granddaddy was a great man who truly had an impact on his family, church, and community. I hope that I learn to live a servant life like Granddaddy did.
Tuesday, September 15, 2009
Weekend Trip
I got back from the mission trip to Saginaw on Sunday. We had a lot of fun on the trip painting houses and cleaning out garages...IN THE RAIN! I had a lot of fun doing the Aggie skits for the church Saturday night and getting to preach Sunday morning. It was a real blessing to get to know the people that came on the mission trip with me, working with the Thai church, and working in the community to show them God's love. God has truely used the mission trip to Kenya and AFC to develop our relationship.
I thought I would put this on here too cause it was cool. I took this picture the other night when a storm was passing by.
Tuesday, September 8, 2009
On top of having to go to Chemistry Class tonight (not my favorite class), I found out I didn't get the job with A&M EMS. I'm a little frustrated because it puts a dent in my plans (I can't get paid to go to A&M football games). I am, however, looking into another ambulance service that would pay more and offer benefits. The name of the EMS Service is Legacy EMS, which offers 911 ambulance service in San Jacinto County and transport ambulances in Brazos County. I didn't really want to do transport only EMS but I think it will be a good learning experience for me. Someone with Careflight, while I was doing my EMT clinicals, told me that 911 service EMS is where all the exciting action is, but if you really want to learn stuff, to stick with transports and working with hospitals. I also feel better about an interview for an EMT job now that I've experienced one. I wasn't sure what to expect when I did my interview for A&M EMS, but now I feel better prepared. Please pray for me as I try to find a job down here. I know that God's plans will lead me in the right direction.
I got a call from Cameron today asking me to be the Co-Leader in the weekend trip that he is leading. I'm very excited about this! I'm going to have breakfast with Kelly Davidson and all of the leaders and co-leaders for the weekend trips to discuss the plans.
I got a call from Cameron today asking me to be the Co-Leader in the weekend trip that he is leading. I'm very excited about this! I'm going to have breakfast with Kelly Davidson and all of the leaders and co-leaders for the weekend trips to discuss the plans.
Wednesday, September 2, 2009
First Week of College Classes
This week has been very exciting for me! I started college, did the freshman devo, had a EMT job interview, and I've had lots of studying!
My first day in college went well. My first class, College Algebra, was at 10:00am. It's extremely easy for me because I took Calculus with Mrs. Lawler in high school. She did a great job preparing her students for college. I honestly think that my college math is easier than high school math. Everyday in Mrs. Lawler's class we had at least 15 problems to do for homework. In my College Algebra class, I finished my 10 problem homework before we even went over anything at all in class.
My next class was at 7:05pm... yes, at night. Mondays and Wednesdays I have English from 7:05pm to 8:20pm. We talked about class for a couple of minutes, then we jumped right in to writing an essay. My idea for the essay was good, but I only had 20 minutes to read an article and write the essay over it, so I didn't get to say what I really wanted to say. Tonight, Wednesday night, we were assigned a research paper about a controversial topic of our choice, and we have to write two argumentative essays, one from each perspective. For my topic I chose to ask the question of whether Americans should concentrate on serving America instead of the serving the needs of other countries. I got this idea from my experiences in Kenya. While we were at Made In The Streets, we would often talk about America's role in getting involved with other country's problems. I think I have a good view of perspectives in order to write this paper, but I still need to do some research on the topic and maybe narrow it down a little bit. (David, I'm accepting input!)
Then I have my only class on Tuesdays and Thursdays; General Chemistry. This is the only class that I'm nervous about not doing well in. I didn't do well in all in high school chemistry and when the professor, Dr. Gostecnik, went around the room asking questions, it seemed like I was the only one that didn't know what the most abundant element on earth is, and that gasoline is a hydrocarbon. I have some reading to do! I think the only thing I'm excited about for chemistry is the lab coat I have to have for labs. haha
My Firefighting Strategy and Tactics class is online, so I take it at my own pace. For those of you who thought I knew everything about firefighting, you're wrong. I got a 36 on my pre-test. Luckily it's not a grade, just an assessment of our knowledge previous to starting the course. However, after reading the first chapter of the textbook, I have made a 100 on my first quiz and a 100 on two discussions about occupancies (Assembly occupancies, Educational occupancies, Health care occupancies, and so on...)
My interview for an EMT job at A&M went well, despite riding my bike as fast as I could across campus to get to the health center in time, and being a little sweaty once I got there. The EMTs at the front desk were out on a call when I came in, so I had a little bit of time to cool down before the training lieutenant came to get me from the back. I fit right in and was able to show the chief and training lieutenant that I have a good personality and wouldn't be that weird guys that they regret hiring because he goes and hides in the corner. During the interview, I was able to call back on my experiences with Dallas Fire Rescue Ambulances and that impressed them. The chief seemed to like me and told me he thought that I'd do fine in the department and told me what to expect for the hiring process. If I get hired on, it will take me until the end of this semester to be out on my own in the field. I have to go through an EVOC (Emergency Vehicle Operations Course), spend so many hours as the third man, and prove to them that I have the skills necessary to work for them. Please pray for me to get this job.
I've also been running two miles every other day to keep off the freshman fifteen. Kelly Davidson thinks that this is a good enough reason to take me to the marathon that AFC does to support...something, I forget what he said. Anyways, if I can keep up the running trend, I MAY be able to do the HALF marathon.
HAHA, I'm starting to remind myself of my brother. I went to buy a PGA Golf Tour polo shirt for when my housemates teach me how to play golf, and now I'm talking about running a marathon. David...you've inspired me!
My first day in college went well. My first class, College Algebra, was at 10:00am. It's extremely easy for me because I took Calculus with Mrs. Lawler in high school. She did a great job preparing her students for college. I honestly think that my college math is easier than high school math. Everyday in Mrs. Lawler's class we had at least 15 problems to do for homework. In my College Algebra class, I finished my 10 problem homework before we even went over anything at all in class.
My next class was at 7:05pm... yes, at night. Mondays and Wednesdays I have English from 7:05pm to 8:20pm. We talked about class for a couple of minutes, then we jumped right in to writing an essay. My idea for the essay was good, but I only had 20 minutes to read an article and write the essay over it, so I didn't get to say what I really wanted to say. Tonight, Wednesday night, we were assigned a research paper about a controversial topic of our choice, and we have to write two argumentative essays, one from each perspective. For my topic I chose to ask the question of whether Americans should concentrate on serving America instead of the serving the needs of other countries. I got this idea from my experiences in Kenya. While we were at Made In The Streets, we would often talk about America's role in getting involved with other country's problems. I think I have a good view of perspectives in order to write this paper, but I still need to do some research on the topic and maybe narrow it down a little bit. (David, I'm accepting input!)
Then I have my only class on Tuesdays and Thursdays; General Chemistry. This is the only class that I'm nervous about not doing well in. I didn't do well in all in high school chemistry and when the professor, Dr. Gostecnik, went around the room asking questions, it seemed like I was the only one that didn't know what the most abundant element on earth is, and that gasoline is a hydrocarbon. I have some reading to do! I think the only thing I'm excited about for chemistry is the lab coat I have to have for labs. haha
My Firefighting Strategy and Tactics class is online, so I take it at my own pace. For those of you who thought I knew everything about firefighting, you're wrong. I got a 36 on my pre-test. Luckily it's not a grade, just an assessment of our knowledge previous to starting the course. However, after reading the first chapter of the textbook, I have made a 100 on my first quiz and a 100 on two discussions about occupancies (Assembly occupancies, Educational occupancies, Health care occupancies, and so on...)
My interview for an EMT job at A&M went well, despite riding my bike as fast as I could across campus to get to the health center in time, and being a little sweaty once I got there. The EMTs at the front desk were out on a call when I came in, so I had a little bit of time to cool down before the training lieutenant came to get me from the back. I fit right in and was able to show the chief and training lieutenant that I have a good personality and wouldn't be that weird guys that they regret hiring because he goes and hides in the corner. During the interview, I was able to call back on my experiences with Dallas Fire Rescue Ambulances and that impressed them. The chief seemed to like me and told me he thought that I'd do fine in the department and told me what to expect for the hiring process. If I get hired on, it will take me until the end of this semester to be out on my own in the field. I have to go through an EVOC (Emergency Vehicle Operations Course), spend so many hours as the third man, and prove to them that I have the skills necessary to work for them. Please pray for me to get this job.
I've also been running two miles every other day to keep off the freshman fifteen. Kelly Davidson thinks that this is a good enough reason to take me to the marathon that AFC does to support...something, I forget what he said. Anyways, if I can keep up the running trend, I MAY be able to do the HALF marathon.
HAHA, I'm starting to remind myself of my brother. I went to buy a PGA Golf Tour polo shirt for when my housemates teach me how to play golf, and now I'm talking about running a marathon. David...you've inspired me!
Friday, August 28, 2009
Aggies For Christ
I just got back from SOAR. For those of you who don't know what that is, SOAR is a retreat that the Aggies for Christ puts together for people to come and get to know each other and further our relationships with fellow Christians and with God. I'm very glad that I went to SOAR because when I went into church last Sunday, I didn't know anyone and kind of felt left out of the loop. After going to SOAR, I know most of the people in AFC and I can see myself becoming really good friends with all of them. I feel like a part of them now.
The devo's on the retreat were absolutely awesome! The thing that I like about AFC is that they are open, real, and honest. They are open about the struggles that college students face and the hit it head on; they don't tip toe around it. They also realize that while we may be a club at A&M, and it may seem like the group is solely for the students, that the true intent of the club is to provide opportunities for students to do God's work in the world. That excites me so much. There are endless opportunities for students to get involved in with AFC.
The worship was also amazing! My favorite thing to do is to worship and praise our God, and we did a lot of that at SOAR. The singing was beautiful; there was no holding back of our love for God. I felt so connected with my brothers and sisters in Christ, but most of all with God.
I'm so excited to be a part of such an awesome group! I can't wait to talk to Kelly later this week about maybe leading a mission trip to Kenya next Summer. I got to watch a video of a guy named Hutt talking about his experiences in the slums of Nairobi and see the pictures that went along with it. I can't tell you how much I miss those kids and Made In The Streets! My heart is with those people in Kenya and I love each and everyone of them. I really hope that everything works out to go again next summer.
We are starting up the Freshman devo at A&M on Mondays at 9:15pm. I'm really excited about this also because it gives me a great opportunity to lead others in worship. There was a Sophomore guy named Austin who was sitting in front of me during a devo at SOAR who turned around after we finished singing and urged me to lead singing at the freshman devos. He came up to me again tonight at the AFC "back to school bash" to ask if I had taken that role. I told him that I did volunteer to lead worship this Monday, but that we have so many great leaders in our class that we would all eventually be leading worship and giving our devotional thoughts at the devos. I really think that our class in AFC is going to do great!
The devo's on the retreat were absolutely awesome! The thing that I like about AFC is that they are open, real, and honest. They are open about the struggles that college students face and the hit it head on; they don't tip toe around it. They also realize that while we may be a club at A&M, and it may seem like the group is solely for the students, that the true intent of the club is to provide opportunities for students to do God's work in the world. That excites me so much. There are endless opportunities for students to get involved in with AFC.
The worship was also amazing! My favorite thing to do is to worship and praise our God, and we did a lot of that at SOAR. The singing was beautiful; there was no holding back of our love for God. I felt so connected with my brothers and sisters in Christ, but most of all with God.
I'm so excited to be a part of such an awesome group! I can't wait to talk to Kelly later this week about maybe leading a mission trip to Kenya next Summer. I got to watch a video of a guy named Hutt talking about his experiences in the slums of Nairobi and see the pictures that went along with it. I can't tell you how much I miss those kids and Made In The Streets! My heart is with those people in Kenya and I love each and everyone of them. I really hope that everything works out to go again next summer.
We are starting up the Freshman devo at A&M on Mondays at 9:15pm. I'm really excited about this also because it gives me a great opportunity to lead others in worship. There was a Sophomore guy named Austin who was sitting in front of me during a devo at SOAR who turned around after we finished singing and urged me to lead singing at the freshman devos. He came up to me again tonight at the AFC "back to school bash" to ask if I had taken that role. I told him that I did volunteer to lead worship this Monday, but that we have so many great leaders in our class that we would all eventually be leading worship and giving our devotional thoughts at the devos. I really think that our class in AFC is going to do great!
Monday, August 24, 2009
This is the first meal I made living on my own...I think I'm going to make it!

Today I woke up at about 9:30am and went to A&M to fill out an application to be an EMT for A&M EMS. After that I went to Blinn to try to hurry my financial aid along...Ugh they're so slow! After I got all the boring stuff out of the way, Micah, Conner, Jeremy, and A.J. came over to the house and we watched the Office. Then we went to guys' dorm for a while. I came back home and did a load of laundry. Oh, I made my bed this morning too! Mom won't believe I'm doing all of this on my own.
Sunday, August 23, 2009
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